When your child

is struggling,

all you want

is answers

Why is this happening?

What can I do?

Unfortunately often when we seek help we are given a diagnosis and coping mechanisms.

It’s seemingly difficult to find reasons why these things are happening in the first place.

But there’s a reason WHY your child’s behaviour is unsettled.

There’s a reason WHY they are emotional.

There’s a reason WHY their health is suffering.

Why is this happening?

What can I do?

Unfortunately often when we seek help we are given a diagnosis and coping mechanisms.

It’s seemingly difficult to find reasons why these things are happening in the first place.

But there’s a reason WHY your child’s behaviour is unsettled.

There’s a reason WHY they are emotional.

There’s a reason WHY their health is suffering.

As a holistic therapist, my job for the past 16 years has been to listen and

to provide an understanding of why symptoms and difficulties pop up.

I’ve helped thousands of parents to better understand their children.

Understanding creates a more compassionate environment.

Reactions, from both parent and child decrease.

The whole household becomes a more peaceful place to be.

I want to help you to understand

the emotional and physiological

reasons why our children struggle.

I'm Emma, mum of 3 boys and one of Australia's most qualified and experienced Kinesiologists.

For the past 15 years I've seen thousands of children and adults in clinic, for all imaginable issues! I found myself in a position where I have so much knowledge that I want to pass on to other therapists and parents. So many little and big changes that can make such a difference to parents and children who are struggling with anxiety, with sensory sensitivities, learning difficulties, with allergies, with stomach issues, with sleep, with the looming diagnosis of ADHD, ADD, ODD and even depression.

The world has become a minefield of information, tips, tricks and the right and wrong way to be a parent and for children to be. Its confusing for everyone involved!!

My personal mission is to make health and life simple. To help parents understand their children so that they can use their own intuition as to what best suits them! I want each child to come into my clinic and feel safe, feel heard and feel ok to be them. I want each child to then take that feeling out into the world again. It's a place of acceptance for parents to be human and to be supported in learning.

Being a Kinesiologist, I get to help all aspects of being human - the physical discomfort, the mind tension right down to the emotional turmoil that we all at times experience. It gives me a unique way of working where I get to take time to ask questions and really get to know why something is happening. You learn a lot by listening!

These mini ebooks have been created to pass on my clinical experience.. it’s like having me in your pocket!

Wether you can’t get to a therapist for financial or location difficulties or your child refuses to see a therapist or you just want to know what to do at home

These mini courses are for you.

In these resources I break down:

  • What the physiological causes behind common issues I see in our kids in clinic.

  • What the child may be trying to express emotionally

  • What to do at home to help

  • Nutritional support and more.

  • I came to Emma seeking help with my 13 year old daughter who opened the door to a very dark place and was self harming. Emma helped me pull her out of that dark place back to her natural happy state in a short 6 months. Emma is heaven on Earth. She will meet you exactly where you are, with absolute compassion, ask the hard questions, and help move the stuck negative energy out and away from you with clarity. She has the ability to find the skeletons you didn’t know you had and didn’t want to see. You feel the pain, and then it is gone. Nothing yucky lingers. I have since opened myself to Emma’s healing work too. She is surely an angel. With heart felt gratitude, we LOVE you Emma. xx

  • We were initially introduced to Emma when looking for some help for our 5 year old daughter who was on a high dose of medication due to Petit Mal Epilepsy, and struggling with stress and anxiety and tiredness from the medication. We didn’t want any more Doctors or treatments, we just wanted to find some ways to get our daughter back to the sweet and happy girl she was. Emma was a godsend. She established immediate trust with my daughter and was quick to identify the why, and show us how to get her back to herself again. It all made so much sense. We were able to then make steady progress and rapidly things changed, the anxiety calmed down, and her energy levels picked up. I have my happy girl back! I have since taken my 4 year old son to see Emma, again, easy rapport and comfort with her, and her practical and obvious advice made so much sense and has shifted behaviour problems immediately.

  • Kinesiology with Emma has been invaluable to me on my spiritual and professional path. She has helped my children and I through some of the most difficult times we have faced. I am certain that a large portion of my children’s and my wellbeing, health and mental growth can be accounted to our kinesiology sessions with Emma. Even during the most difficult times, I have always walked away from her sessions feeling incredibly grounded, stable and secure. Emma’s knowledge covers so many bases. I truly admire Emma for her skills, professionalism and intuition. I recommend her services to all of my clients and friends

  • I have been seeing Emma for myself and my two children for the past 5 years. Emma has been an absolute lifesaver and not only has she shed light on the underlying issues that over the years have plagued me and my kids she has inspired, supported and mentored me to becoming a kinesiologist myself. She is compassionate, warm, so knowledgeable and has initiated real change in my life. I can not recommend her enough!

  • Emma thank you for the wonderful support you have given to me, and my family over the past few years. You have helped me to better understand what is going on with my children’s bodies, without the need for excessive tests, and tuned into what they both need emotionally, relieving a lot of stress for us all. I am always amazed at your extensive knowledge and the scope of your skills

  • I feel completely safe as soon as I engage with Emma…we have been on a journey with my children for almost 9 years and its gets better and better every time we meet. Emma is warm loving and generous even with the bad stuff…hope to know and be healed by her for another 20 years.

  • I recommend Emma to everyone I know, sometimes you sense something is just a bit off with your child, and Emma has incredible intuition, understands you’re not just being dramatic, but offers brilliant advice to get them back in track again. She truly has a gift.


  • Not Much At All! This is like an extended e-book, easy to read with chapters for specific issues. It's just to be read and to give you ideas on how to approach things at home. It's a resource for you to return to anytime that you find things challenging with your child. There's very limited brain power needed! I love breaking things down in the most simple way. So you can flick through, no matter how exhausted you are! Hopefully you'll gain some clarity to behaviours that are contributing to that exhaustion!

  • Honestly?.. Now! 😆 I’m not joking though! When anxiety lives with you, it can feel like you’re in survival mode all of the time. The only way to get out of that survival response is to learn what’s missing and to change things little by little. This really is such an easy to read resource. It doesn’t take much brain power, I promise! Hopefully, it will just make you aware of behaviours, why they are happening and how to help.

  • Not yet! However, I usually find that anxiety in adults stem from the same places! You may find whilst reading through that you are able to understand your own behaviours and needs better as well.